Oda ist eine Hommage an den Stein. Sie ist von den typischen Steinen der Westküste Frankreichs inspiriert, die reich an Fossilien mit sehr ausgeprägten organischen Formen und in verschiedenen Größen und Intensitäten sind. Die zeitlosen Farben, die von Steinen inspiriert sind, lassen die Fossilien durch ihren Reichtum an Farben und Nuancen hervorstechen. Das Ergebnis ist eine zeitgenössische Kollektion mit einem Hauch von Geschichte, die ihr einen einzigartigen Charme verleiht.
Die Kollektion verfügt über die 3D.FIT-Technologie, die auf dem Markt einzigartig ist und Jahr für Jahr durch ständige Forschung und das Streben nach Perfektion bei modernen Oberflächen verbessert wird. Die 3D.Fit-Technologie sorgt dafür, dass die Grafik und das Relief des Stücks perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt sind, genau wie beim natürlichen Material. Dadurch wird die Effizienz und Leistungsfähigkeit des Keramikmaterials mit einer Ästhetik erreicht, die dem natürlichen Material so nahe wie möglich kommt.

Gubi is the most contemporary version of microcement and one of the most valued by architects and interior designers. It is now renewed with two key points:
- The inclusion of 3D.Fit technology. Thanks to this digital relief technology, the graphics and the relief match perfectly and a finish as faithful as possible to the micro-cement is achieved.
- The update of colours: Ice, light, greige and cloud. Four colours designed to strike a balance between timelessness and modernity, with shades that flood the spaces with light.

The best known collection of Livingceramics and Lithotech. A basic for professionals looking for stony inspiration full of hyper-realistic details and textures. A collection that is now renewed with the new Ductile Reliefs: they are made of our innovative Ductile material. The base is 9mm thick. The main feature of Ductile is that thanks to its innovative composition, it is a lighter ceramic that is easier to handle and lay. The size is 60×120, a special large format that achieves continuous surfaces with fewer joints.
New reliefs: Lane and Land

Creative freedom and accuracy on plan. Craftsmanship and technology. Custom Design Hub was created to bring together totally different perspectives of design but which together achieve a perfect match. Our workshop was created as a meeting point between your most demanding bespoke projects and our experience in the design and manufacture of bespoke pieces. We focus on establishing a continuous dialogue with the professional from the initial approach, through the design, the handcrafted manufacture in our workshop and the final advice. In this way we give the handmade product the value it deserves as a synonym of exclusivity and authenticity. The result will be unique pieces on the market, with impeccable finishes, and totally adapted to the functional, spatial and aesthetic needs of each project. To achieve this, we combine two key parts: on the one hand, the high quality and differentiation of our ceramic surfaces. On the other hand, the expertise of a team that combines exquisite craftsmanship and the control and intelligent use of the latest technology to ensure pieces that exude elegance and quality while being functional for the project for which they are intended. Because unique projects require unique solutions, Custom Design Hub is the perfect ally to make them a reality.