
Ombra is inspired by sawn wood and finds a strong link with nature from the subtle intensities of the grain and the unique soft marks that cover the graphic. A contemporary choice that finds charm in the differentiation of wood marked by the passage of time. Ombra is available in four shades designed to meet different aesthetic needs.

Nominal Size Real Size Anti-Slip Natural
20x120 cm. 8"x48" 19,8x118,8x0,9cm.
22,5x160cm. 9"x63" 22,3x159,8x0,9cm.
22,5x200cm. 9"x79" 22,3x199,8x0,9cm.
Mosaic 330 29,8x29,8x0,9cm.
Mosaic 590 29,8x89,8x0,9cm.

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