
In Riga, the contemporary wood-inspired graphics are skillfully crafted to achieve an intense sawing that complements the knots and weathering of the wood. Thanks to these surface details, reinforced with 3D.Fit technology, a great expressive impact is achieved. Wood is interpreted here in terms of contemporary design evolution in a balance of tradition and timelessness.

Nominal Size Real Size Anti-Slip Natural
20x120 cm. 8"x48" 19,8x118,8x0,9cm.
22,5x160cm. 9"x63" 22,3x159,8x0,9cm.
22,5x200cm. 9"x79" 22,3x199,8x0,9cm.
Mosaic 330 29,8x29,8x0,9cm.
Mosaic 590 29,8x89,8x0,9cm.

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